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Aquagas Universal Press Fitting | LoCO2 Heat

Aquagas Universal Press Fitting

Aquagas Universal Press Fitting: The Engineer's Ultimate Solution for Gas and Water Systems

In the involved world of engineering, the quest for components that simplify design and ensure reliability is never-ending. Meet Aquagas - the universal press fitting that's been creating waves in the industry.

Check out our Aquagas range here

Aquagas Universal Press Fitting

Why Aquagas is an Engineer’s Dream:

Designed by PCC GmbH, Aquagas is a standout product due to its universal application. This copper fitting is apt for Gas (compliant with DVGW VP614), Heating, and Potable Water systems (endorsed by DVGW W534). For engineers, this means a significant reduction in inventory management, ensuring that you can maintain a lean, efficient system design without the need for multiple fitting types.

Technical Features of M-Profile Copper Press Aquagas:

Material Integrity: Fabricated from copper, it satisfies the standards of BS EN 1057.

Broad Application Scope: From potable water to heating systems and even natural or LPG gas installations, this fitting is versatile.

Efficient Installation: Eliminate the hassle of soldering or using adhesives. A designated crimping tool ensures a secure fit, aligning with the precision engineering demands.

Compatibility: The M-Profile is compatible with major press fittings in the market, including M-Press, MasterFlow, Pegler Yorkshire VSH XPress, Geberit Mapress, and SANHA.

Given its ability to operate efficiently across a wide pressure and temperature spectrum, Aquagas is an engineer's ally for both gas and water systems. Being a part of the distinguished PRESS COPPER AQUAGAS range, it guarantees unparalleled performance.

In the engineering realm, where precision, efficiency, and component compatibility are crucial, Aquagas steps in as the ultimate solution. Integrate it into your next project and witness a new standard in system design and efficiency!

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